Sunday, May 28, 2006

Cycling from a sand dune to a lake: somewhere beyond Jing He to Sailimu Hu (day 268)

Start: Sand dune, 20 km beyond Jing He, Xinjiang, China
End: Sailimu Lake, Xinjiang, China
Distance: 116 km
Time: 8'27"
Avg: 13.7 k/h
Max: 36 k/h
Total: 13,167 km
Total riding days: 172
Riding hours: 0845 - 2030

Who's been leaving tracks in my desert campsite?

Oh, just a little beetle.

Things were a bit moister 116 km later, with the sun setting over the supposedly salty but in fact fresh enough to swim and cook in Sailimu Lake.


  1. So you swam in the lake then and got something of a wash? :P

    I did likewise in Loch Lomond yesterday.

    I cycled about 1/2 of the way there when my cycling buddy who was more than willing but less than able, and who'd already held me back in the journey, quit, and took the train home. And because it was getting into the evening I had to cycle back to the west end of Glasgow to a mate's house to get a lift (by car) to the loch and ditch my bike there.

    I didn't lock it to anything, but it's in their shed locked with a piece of equipment you should perhaps invest in:

    It is a bendy rope-like thingymajig with a loop at either end, which goes through the body, then winds through both tyres, and back into the body such that an 8 shape is made, and you put your bike-lock through both loops (and perhaps also through a fencepost or summat) such that the bike is rendered useless to the likes of Mongolian horsemen and their ilk.

    I haven't had a bath yet, so I smell of loch water - be this a good or a bad thing.

    Please do tell me though. What were you wearing?

  2. When I said tyres, I meant wheels. :P
