Start: Huitong, Hunan province
End: Tianzhu, Guizhoun province
Distance: 73km
Time: 4'51"
Avg: 15.1 k/h
Max: 41.5 k/h
Total: 2047 km
Total riding days: 22
Roadkill: Rodents
Riding hours: 0630 - 1400
Last night's policeman showed up at the hotel where I was being held (better than a cell, I suppose, even if I did have to pay for it) at 0630, gave me my passport, and told me I had 90 minutes to get out of the province. "Good luck," he added, as I pedalled off, worried that he would change his mind before I got out of sight. "And try not to be seen by any other policemen between here and the border."
103 minutes later, I crossed the border into Guizhou province, passing about a dozen police cars along the way.
A nice road and an easy ride, but I can't recommend the Hunan side, for legal reasons....
After four hours' sleep last night, I felt pretty dead wobbling into Tianzhu, so I have checked into a zhaodaisuo (guesthouse) for the night.
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