Monday, April 10, 2006

Thought for the day

Les meilleurs hotels sont les hotels a milles etoiles.
(Thank you to Jonathan-et-Alexandra for reporting that comment from the lips of a 'French senior citizen' in Cambodia.)


  1. C'est vrai

    Jacques Chirac

  2. Ed?

    Is that you?
    Are you still in Yushu?


  3. Non! je suis Jacques Chirac le président français et je suis en France.


  4. Jacques

    Poichè sono ora da un lavoro I ho pensato che potrei probabilmente convincere il mafia per occuparsi di Asmund per voi. So che lui gradite i pesci, lo pensate vorreste dormire stasera con loro?

    riguardi più gentili

    Silvio Berlusconi

  5. Jacques

    Poichè sono ora da un lavoro I ho pensato che potrei probabilmente convincere il mafia per occuparsi di Asmund per voi. So che lui gradite i pesci, lo pensate vorreste dormire stasera con loro?

    riguardi più gentili

    Silvio Berlusconi

  6. Fair play to you Ed for tackling a route that hasn't been tackled before in Winter. Negative comments are the last things you need. Facts and useful tips to help you through yes. whinging isn't one of them.

    Asmund, you mean well but can't you see your beating your head against a brick wall. And that brick wall is in fact the stubborness that will get Ed through it, over it and on to the next leg of the journey.

    Your havin it, Your doing it, your going to do it. Keep on pedaling Ed. Doing a grand job.


  7. Ah dinnae speak Italian... I got:

    "... a wash(?)... think(s) what... probably to convince the mafia by... think... to sleep... with..."

    Which doesn't really make much in the way of sense.

  8. I only got a B in the A level, but I think it says something like:
    "Since I just got back from a job, I reckon I could probably convince the mafia to take care of Asmund for you. Seeing as he likes fish, do you think he'd like to sleep with them tonight?"
    Too surrreal for me - I've got a headache. Keep up the good work and the nice photos Ed.
